Catherine Larrère

Catherine Larrère is a French philosopher who teaches at the University of Paris-Sorbonne on environment and ethics. She is former President of the French Green Foundation “Fondation de l’Ecologie Politique”.


Rachel Carson and the Environmental Awakening

How the American biologist changed the course of the environmental movement through her seminal work Silent Spring.

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Hope and ‘Heimat’: Do Greens Have a Vision That Can Work?

Green Parties in Europe have undergone astonishing growth and development over the past decades, but has the time now come to ask ‘Quo vadis’? An interview with Reinhard Bütikofer and Catherine Larrère by Michel Genet.

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The Progress of the Arts and Ecological Wisdom

Placing our society and economy within an ecological framework will require a radical rethink of what ‘progress’ means as to date this has become synonymous with economic growth. This will mean a change in our relationship with technology and a rebuilding of our social relations.

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