Jonas Hirschnitz

Jonas Hirschnitz has studied at Maastricht University, Radboud University Nijmegen and the University of the Basque Country. His research focuses on conditions to green human economic activity, comprising both economic analyses and the scrutiny of political opportunity structures.


The Potential of ‘True Pricing’

How can markets work for sustainability? True Price aims to display a product’s true costs – including its environmental and social costs – to enable consumers to make more informed choices.

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“Real Democracy Now” in the Green Vision for Europe

The emergence of ‘Real Democracy Now’ and other similar movements such as ‘Occupy’ has raised awareness that many European citizens do not feel represented in the established party system. Spain 2011 – the origins of a movement for more democracy On 15 May 2011, around 100 people decided to occupy the ‘La Puerta de Sol’ […]

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