Michel Genet

Michel Genet is the Director of Etopia, the Belgian French-speaking Green Foundation. He is the former Executive Director of Greenpeace Belgium and President of Greenpeace Europe.


Hope and ‘Heimat’: Do Greens Have a Vision That Can Work?

Green Parties in Europe have undergone astonishing growth and development over the past decades, but has the time now come to ask ‘Quo vadis’? An interview with Reinhard Bütikofer and Catherine Larrère by Michel Genet.

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The COP 21 is over… Or is it only just beginning?

And so, the COP 21, the Paris talks on climate change which have been on everyone’s mind for the past 15 days are over but already registered in limbo for some. Will these talks really go down in history, as Hollande has repeatedly claimed?

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