Niklaus Nuspliger

Born in 1980 in Bern, Niklaus Nuspliger studied political science and international relations in Geneva, Madrid and Sydney. He has a Master in the field of migration policy and political theory. He worked for the Bernese daily newspaper “Der Bund” and for the Swiss Embassy in Venezuela. In 2007 he joined the Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ covering domestic issues and subsequently moved to New York, reporting on North America and the United Nations. Since the end of 2013 he is the political correspondent of NZZ in Brussels where he reports on the EU , NATO , the International Criminal Court as well as the Benelux countries. He is also a Guest Lecturer at the University of Zurich and at Dartmouth College.


The real shift to the right did not happen at the elections

It has been assumed the outcome of the Swiss elections demonstrated another parliamentary shift to the far-right in Europe. A deeper look however shows the complex web behind the Swiss electoral system and further highlights the self-defeating complications of the Swiss Green network.

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