Philippe Lamberts

Philippe Lamberts is a Belgian MEP and the Co-Leader of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament. He is also a member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs.


Bringing Europe’s Economic Governance Down to Earth

Paolo Gentiloni and Philippe Lamberts discuss on whether a post-growth Europe can fight inequality and protect the planet.

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System Failure: Social and Economic (in)Security in Europe

Why is the spectre of social (in)security haunting Europe despite it being richer than ever before?

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What Will It Take to Achieve Tax Justice?

An interview with the economist Yann Moulier-Boutang and Philippe Lamberts, Co-President of the Greens in the European Parliament.

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“Bubbles are Meant to Burst” – Interview with Philippe Lamberts

Throughout his time in the European Parliament, Philippe Lamberts has been campaigning and working towards a fairer and more human system of financial regulation for the EU. Nevertheless, it appears the financial orthodoxy is still calling the shots in Europe. With the new parliament term underway, he gives his assessment of the progress made so far, and the outlook for the future.

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Green Struggles and Victories Against the Mainstream Orthodoxy

An interview with Philippe Lamberts, Green MEP and member of the Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs, who along with his colleague Sven Giegold, is one of the main actors in the struggle against mainstream financial orthodoxy.

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Deutsche Bank: Gollum of the Financial World

Symbol of absolute power corrupting, the ring imagined by J.R.R Tolkien clearly fascinates many citizens. If caution obliges us to distinguish between fiction and reality, nevertheless imagination allows us to draw certain perceptive parallels.

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Social Vulnerability: the Price of Full Employment?

Are the neoliberal policies being pursued by the European Commission are feeding that populist forces that may tear the Union apart?

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Towards a New Green Leadership on Economic and Social Issues

The Greens have to use alternative green economic concepts and share them far beyond the academic sphere, with all who are now starting to realise that our economy is completely unsustainable. And above all they have to assert their specific approach to social justice.

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