The Categorical Mistake of “Looking for an Answer to National Populism”

In the face of rising national populism, rather than seeking to combat these forces on their own terms, Green and progressive politicians can instead turn to a far more effective rhetorical tool.

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The Other People

Erica Meijers unpacks the concept of ‘the people’ at the heart of populist movement’s message, and argues that a look at its theological roots can help to understand and subvert it.

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Neoliberalism Has Eviscerated the Fabric of Social Life

Are we witnessing a crisis of liberal democracy? Wendy Brown is interviewed on the insecurities of neoliberalism and globalisation.

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Institutional Diversity for Resilient Societies

A third option to management by the state or the market is explored: management by autonomous citizens.

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Democracy of Rejection

How has the significance of democracy changed, and why do elections not stimulate the same pre-vote frenzy and post-result calm that they use to, and are supposed to?

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“We Need to Bring Back the Sublime in Politics”

The anti-government protests in Poland seem quite disconnected from the legacy of Solidarity, which seems to have been left behind, while it remains to be seen whether the emergence of new political actors signals a genuine shift in the political landscape. An interview with Sociologist Jan Sowa by Claudia Ciobanu.

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Responding to Brexit: Creating a European Foundational Assembly

Brexit was a wakeup call that something about the EU’s relationship to its citizens needs to change. Forcing more integration would push people away – instead, giving citizens a say and a stake in the EU’s future through regional citizen assemblies may be a path towards a truly representative and interactive EU.

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Brexit: a Scene from the Anthropocene

Slightly over two months ago, the ‘Brexit’ vote took place, leaving a lot of us in horror, lethargy, or at least confusion. If our confusion has receded as time has gone by, it is because we have become used to this new reality, not because it started making sense.

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David Cameron and the Three ‘Whiches’

To what extent were the outcomes of the recent plebiscites held in the UK determined by the formulation of the question and the method of counting votes? If these are significant factors, this points to some puzzling quirks in the country’s voting system, as well as some far-reaching flaws in its democracy.

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The Only Way Ahead for Turkey is Returning to the EU and the Peace Process

In the wake of the attempted coup of July 15th, a crackdown on human rights has been taking place across Turkey, with arrests, sackings and infringements on the freedom of movement. The only way to ensure that rights are respected and that Turkey becomes a democracy governed by the rule of way is to re-engage with the EU accession process and to relaunch the stalled peace process in the Southeast of the country.

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