Europe on the Ballot: Is Secessionism Back?

A striking mix of left- and right-wing separatists, along with advocates of regionalism and sovereignism are the new kingmakers in Spain after an inconclusive general election this summer. Around Europe, separatist and nationalist forces are gaining influence. What could this trend mean for Europe and what role for the EU in addressing resurfacing questions around secession?

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Where Next for Spain’s Regions?

For Spain, addressing regional tensions could go hand in hand with effective ecological transition that creates space for multiple identities to thrive.

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From Corsica to Scotland: Autonomy in Europe as the Progressive Alternative

In overlooked parts of Europe, nationalism or regionalism is the basis for a progressive politics looking beyond the status quo.

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Reconciling social justice and local democracy in the new UK

One of the most interesting consequences of the Scottish independence referendum is likely to be revision of how the UK ensures the economic welfare of its most vulnerable citizens through its currently highly centralised social security system.

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Why the whole UK now needs a new Constitutional Convention

Scotland has voted No in the referendum on independence, but the outcome was close, relative to expectations at the start of the campaign. The closeness of the vote, as well as the reasons cited by so many in Scotland for voting ‘Yes’, show that the ‘United Kingdom compact’ is no longer fit for purpose.

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Catalonia Wants to Decide

Catalonia is a region with its own distinct culture and language and has long been seeking greater political autonomy. With opinion polls now showing a large majority of Catalans support self-government, and with the rise of other independence movements around Europe, pressure is mounting on Spain to deliver reform.

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