What if Fiscal Policy Was Driven by Climate and Social Justice?

A look at how the EU can tackle growing inequality and climate change with tax justice and spending reforms.

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From Global Tax Dodging to Worldwide Wellbeing

This imagined news article describes a Europe where revenues recuperated from tax evasion and avoidance are invested back into wellbeing for the benefit of society and the environment.

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Green Observatory: Basic Income

The Green European Journal asked experts, activists, and politicians from around Europe about the politics of basic income where they are.

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The Environmental Dividend: Greening in Times of Populism

An exploration of the environmental dividend as a response to the mistrust of green taxation.

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A Sufficiency Vision for an Ecologically Constrained World

With global production pushing the planet past its limits, a shift from growth to sufficiency in rich countries is now an imperative

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Lightening Labour’s Load: An Atlas of Green Tax Alternatives

Taxes on employed labour income constitute the lion’s share of fiscal government revenues for governments in Europe. With the future of work uncertain, what are Green parties’ alternatives and proposals around Europe?

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Social Policies as Tools to Promote Security

The sense of security in a society is closely bound up with its institutions; the cases of the Nordic countries demonstrate that these feelings of security can be enhanced by fostering inclusive institutions.

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The Case Against Phasing Out Cash

The prospect of the use of bank notes and coins becoming severely restricted, or even eliminated altogether, is one we should scrutinise closely. Making all transactions electronic could have a profound impact on the lives of many people, while giving banks even greater control over the flow of currency.

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How Can Bankers Live with Themselves?

As the Panama Papers revelations lay bare in unprecedented detail how the rich and powerful are avoiding taxes, it is tempting to think of the bankers, financial lawyers, accountants and consultants who assist them in doing so as evil psychopaths.

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Can We Prosper Without Growth? 10 Policy Proposals

For many people it seems easier to imagine the end of the world, or even the end of capitalism, than to imagine the end of growth. To break this spell of growth, we bring you some of the policy proposals that are derived from the theory of degrowth.

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