Is Europe’s Old Order Too Big to Fail?

Are the two major party blocs that have dominated European politics since the immediate post-WWII period too big to fail? The evidence suggests not — so what are they going to do about it?

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The Boomerang Returns

The roots of the 13th of November are also to be sought from the foreign policy of both Europe and France over the past forty years. Europe’s withdrawal from the Palestinian question, the missed opportunity with Turkey which could have so easily been brought into the fold of the EU, France’s alliance with the ‘petro-monarchies’… are all mistakes which have only served to aggravate the calamity and feed rancour and radicalisation in the Middle-East.

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For a Europe that unites, rather than divides people

The idea of a European Community, based on a promise of shared peace and prosperity, was dealt a strong blow this summer, in a way that we couldn’t have expected even months before.

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Policy in a Time of Monsters: Ten theses

To diagnose the malaise which political ecology suffers from in the current political system, beset by crises of both economic and cultural natures, we must first examine the position of the Greens in the political landscape, and their relation to both the Left and the Right.

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‘Politics CAN be different’ – Hungary’s Green Party shows the way

What is behind the success of the Hungarian Green Party ‘Politics Can Be Different’? Bright Green co-editor Violeta Vajda speaks to Hajdu Mária, newly-elected local Green councillor in Budapest, about the role of the Greens in Hungary today and in the years to come.

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