Clementine Boucher

Clementine Boucher is a French student of politics in England. She is interested in philosophy, literature, poetry, economics, ecology, political theory, history, geography, and is a real degrowth enthusiast.


Extending the Tobin Tax – the Full Robin Hood Tax

"How is all of this going to be paid for?" This difficult question has struck campaigns for the advancement of welfare since the 1970s, ever more frequently and intensely since the financial crisis of 2008 and resulting austerity measures that were put in place in our European liberal societies.

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An ethical cry for degrowth

Capitalism gives rise to an attitude that dehumanises us, because it turns us into competitive animals. We fail to realise that capitalism is an inherently exploitative system, where most of the power will always reside in the hands of the rich. But there is a way around this…

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