Mark Simpson

Mark Simpson is a socio-legal researcher at the University of Ulster and a member of the Green Party in Northern Ireland.


Reconciling social justice and local democracy in the new UK

One of the most interesting consequences of the Scottish independence referendum is likely to be revision of how the UK ensures the economic welfare of its most vulnerable citizens through its currently highly centralised social security system.

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Food for the Soul, Not Just the Stomach: the Countryside’s Other Role

A focus on food production and protecting biodiversity should not be at the expense of a third key function of the countryside, access to it by the people.

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Equal to the Task? The UK’s Equality of Opportunity Legislation Under the Microscope

The UK has been a leader among EU member states in the promotion of equality of opportunity, with far-reaching duties in place in some regions since 1998. In practice, the jury is still out on whether the equal opportunities legislation has a real impact on the protected groups or simply creates one more administrative hurdle for policymakers.

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