Barbara Unmuessig

Barbara Unmuessig has served as Co-President of the Heinrich Boell Stiftung since 2006. Prior to that, Barbara has worked in the German NGO sector on development and gender issues and helped coordinate German environmental NGO involvement in the original Rio earth conference in 1992.


Six hypotheses on the role of civil society actors in the Great Transition

The professional NGO world is unable to reverse the major global trends. It can, however, prevent projects and policies by forging powerful alliances – and build alternatives.

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CETA and TTIP: Bringing People’s Interests Back into Focus

Negotiations over the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are being conducted as if they were private business deals. Trade policies, however, affect all of us and have implications for the global economy.

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Shaking off the Stigma of ‘the Party That Likes to Ban Things’

Despite being only a small part of their manifesto, the German Greens’ policy of ‘veggie days’ gave them the unfortunate appearance of being the party that ‘wants to ban things’.

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