Olivier Derruine

Olivier Derruine is assistant to Philippe Lamberts, co-Chair of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament. For the last 10 years, he has been working on issues pertaining to the ecological and socially fair transition of the economic model, ranging from fiscal to trade policies, including social issues. He regularly publishes short notes on related topics on his blog http://www.revuenouvelle.be/-Delits-d-inities. He was previously economist for a Belgian trade union.


The (Sustainable) Energy of Despair: A Review of Guillaume Pitron’s Book

Despite optimistic belief, technology is no panacea for Earth's crisis. A review of Guillaume Pitron's The Rare Metals War.

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Trade and the Environment – Sworn Enemies?

International trade currently creates huge environmental damage and 'ecological debt' from certain countries to others. How can this be remedied?

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