Yannick Jadot

Yannick Jadot is a French MEP and member of the French Green party, Europe Ecologie Les Verts. Previously he has worked for environmental NGOs in Burkina Faso and Bangladesh and has been campaign director of Greenpeace France.


Reaching an Open Society: An Interview with Yannick Jadot

With France's presidential election just months away - what role is there for political ecology to play?

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The Two Revolutions that Are Changing the Climate Game

An interview with French Green MEP Yannick Jadot.

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Once Upon A Time… Notre Dame des Landes

The proposed airport project at Notre-Dame-des-Landes has become a landmark in the fight against useless mega projects. The so called “zadists”, who are fighting to defend the territory, became a symbol of those in search of another, fairer and humane world. Utopians with their feet on the ground.

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