Cameron’s EU gamble and the consequences for Scotland

Cameron’s proposal for an in/out referendum on EU membership is likely to cause uncertainty and confusion for years to come, but what impact will it have on Scotland’s independence referendum? Scottish Greens co-convenor Patrick Harvie discusses the consequences.

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Never Closer Union? The British Test

In a context of an economic crisis and with public finances under stress, the on-going round of negotiations over the next EU Budget and the European legislation for the regulation of the financial industry have taken the British debate on Europe to a new level.

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Ecological transformation will not happen in just one country

The Greens must remain faithful to their European commitment by continuing to promote a European alternative to the austerity policy of the ‘Merkozy’ duo. But passing on an unsustainable debt to the future generation is just as ecologically unsound as leaving a planet in ruins. Whatever their differences, the Greens must present their alternative to the neoliberal’s prioritising of market forces and the “statism” of the old left. This alternative must begin with a recovery package funded by a tax on financial transactions.

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