Seden Anlar

Seden Anlar is a Brussels-based journalist, podcast host/producer, moderator, and political communications specialist. She writes and tells stories about intersectional climate and social justice-related issues. Previously, she has worked for political campaigning organisations such as Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, political publications like the Green European Journal, and produced podcasts such as “Green Space” for the Green Party of England and Wales and “Changing the Table Podcast” for the Migration Policy Group. 


Europe’s AI (Balancing) Act

Though an important step, the EU AI Act makes major concessions to corporate interests and law enforcement authorities.

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What if Fiscal Policy Was Driven by Climate and Social Justice?

A look at how the EU can tackle growing inequality and climate change with tax justice and spending reforms.

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EU Taxonomy: The Dirty Politics of Greenwashing Energy

Following the European Parliament’s approval, the European Commission is pressing ahead with its plans to classify fossil gas and nuclear as “green” energy.

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