Automation – The Final Frontier?

What might self-driving cars, robotisation, and the so-called ‘internet of things’ mean for society, and how are political forces reacting?

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Collaboration is Just a Strategy – Overcoming the Limits of the Commons

Although the commons are no silver bullet solution to society’s ills, combined with the common good and other alternative models they can form the basis of a fairer and more sustainable economic order.

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What Will It Take to Achieve Tax Justice?

An interview with the economist Yann Moulier-Boutang and Philippe Lamberts, Co-President of the Greens in the European Parliament.

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Sharing is Not Always Sharing

At first glance, sharing initiatives would appear to be important elements for building an economy based on solidarity and sustainability. Yet, these different models of sharing do not generate the same societal and financial return. Some of them, such as Uber, are forms of ‘sharewashing’. In fact, Uber’s business model, financed by Goldman Sachs, is at the polar opposite of sharing.

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