From the Green Wave to Eco-hegemony

On questions such as climate, Greens have won the battle of ideas, but the battle for power is still being fought. Is it time for a new strategy?

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Connect the City: Rights, Justice and the Digital Divide

The answer to Barcelona’s digital divide is a politics that puts people and rights at the centre of the digital transition.

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The Order of Barcelona: Cities Without Fear

In Europe and beyond, municipalism, rooted in republicanism and enshrined in an ‘Order of Barcelona’ could help fight the ‘inertia of the nation-state’.

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The City as the New Political Centre

Barcelona leads the way in reviving democracy and participation of citizens. Joan Subirats talks about how cities can shape a better governance architecture and complement the current system centred on nation-states.

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Occupy the Institutions – The Spanish Experience

In Spain, ‘Cities of Change’ are changing the game in municipalities and pioneering citizen involvement – what is their relationship to national forces such as Podemos?

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