The Return of Industrial Policy in the European Union

The EU tried in vain to create the world economy in its own image. Now it is turning to industrial policy to assertively protect its model against the policies of others. A new European industrial policy could democratise, accelerate, and make the green and digital transitions more just. To achieve these benefits, it requires European not national funding, needs to boost additional investment rather than the profits of established firms, and must be transparent, conditional, and inclusive.

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National Capitalism in Orbán’s Hungary

Explanations for democratic backsliding in Hungary have so far neglected the role of neoliberalism and the resultant economic disintegration.

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Agriculture as a Source of Authoritarian Power

Orbán and the Hungarian elite are quietly stripping smallholders of their lands to strengthen their grip on power.

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Choosing Investment over Breaking Even

Tight public spending may have powered its exports, but underinvestment in people and infrastructure has its costs. Could a new investment rule be just what Germany needs?

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Horizon 2050: the Future of the EU-China Relationship

As part of the online series around our new edition, a sneak peak of what cooperation and rivalry between Europe and China could mean for the new global order in 2049.

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Selling its Future Competitiveness? Why Europe Needs to Screen Foreign Investments

Foreign investment into the EU often have political, as well as economic, motivations. Should the EU act on this?

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