Aligning Stars: Routes to a Different Europe
Aligning Stars: Routes to a Different Europe

How has Europe changed through recent crises and what visions can pave the way to a sustainable future? By examining the continent’s past and present, this edition explores possible routes towards a different Europe.

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Angry Farmers and Heatwaves: The Climate in India’s Elections
Angry Farmers and Heatwaves: The Climate in India’s Elections
In India’s ongoing elections, economic and social issues are intertwined with rising temperatures and declining agricultural harvests.
Creative Work: From Precarity to Recognition 
Creative Work: From Precarity to Recognition 
Protecting creative workers can cement an inclusive European identity and equip us with the imagination needed to fight climate change.
A Disaffected Generation? The Youth Vote and Europe’s Future 
A Disaffected Generation? The Youth Vote and Europe’s Future 
In the run-up to the June elections, EU institutions and political forces are courting the younger generation to cast their vote. But five years after young Europeans mobilised around the climate crisis and pushed for a European Green Deal, the perception is that of a disengaged youth, weighed down by multiple crises and uncertainty about the future. Is this picture accurate and is there still hope to change it?
Double Dehumanisation: The EU Borders and Gaza 
Dry Land for Thirsty Data 
On Drugs: Europe’s Cities Pushing for Reform
Should a Climate Activist Stand up for Gaza? 
Europe’s AI (Balancing) Act
Can Russia’s Money Help Ukraine Win the War?
Europe Day
Not About Treaties: EU Integration Needs a Cultural Shift
Not About Treaties: EU Integration Needs a Cultural Shift
Green MEP Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield reflects on institutional reforms, enlargement, and a different “European way of life”.
“Eurowhiteness:”: Europe's Civilisational Turn
“Eurowhiteness:”: Europe’s Civilisational Turn
Hans Kudnani investigates the identitarian side of the European project.
Accession and the Meaning of European Citizenship
Accession and the Meaning of European Citizenship
EU enlargement means extending European citizenship as well as its borders. What might be the impact of the ongoing accession talks?
The Crossroads Before Us: Neoimperialism or European Unity
The Crossroads Before Us: Neoimperialism or European Unity
Will neoimperialism dominate the 21st century or will a free, democratic and united Europe emerge?
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