Investing in the Future: Why Europe Needs a Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is a vision for social and environmental transformation. What would it mean to have one in Europe?

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A Just Transition Towards a Sustainable World (of Work)

Green and decent jobs are the future of a world of work that factors in climate change – but a just transition is key.

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Gearing towards a green future of work

From working time reduction and circular economy to basic income, the right choices could make the future of work fair and secure for all.

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A Sustainable Welfare State

The welfare state is no longer affordable, we are told from all sides – neither in the Netherlands, nor in Europe as a whole. Cuts must be made in the social services, the argument runs, to rescue the economy. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Here is a green vision.

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Brussels and Wallonia: Green Pioneer Projects in Sustainable Food Systems

Ideological innovation and perseverance can give birth to concrete actions contributing to the Green transformation of agriculture and food systems, despite a difficult political and institutional environment. This is currently experienced by the Belgian Greens of Ecolo in the regional governments of Wallonia and Brussels.

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