Jamie Cooke

Jamie Cooke is the head of RSA Scotland and a leading advocate, writer, and speaker on basic income. With a background in civic and democratic participation and research, cultural venue management, and education, Jamie is fascinated by the interaction between people, place, and society and ways to create a more enlightened country. You can follow him on Twitter @JamieACooke. He writes here in a personal capacity.


A Fairer, Greener Scotland

A historic government agreement offers the Scottish Greens the potential to influence Scotland's future.

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Referendums in the UK: Caveat Emptor

The UK's mixed experience with referendums reflects the variety of situations in which they are applied - with far-reaching consequences.

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Basic Income and Pandemic Preparedness

As we think about building societies that can be ready for pandemics and resilient to shocks, basic income needs to be part of the picture.

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Basic Income in Scotland: Progress in a Time of Chaos

Interest in basic income is growing in Scotland and across the United Kingdom. Can we expect trials from the Scottish government and where might the momentum lead?

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Green Observatory: Basic Income

The Green European Journal asked experts, activists, and politicians from around Europe about the politics of basic income where they are.

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