Social Security for the Digital Age: Beyond France’s Pension Reform

Designed to increase workers’ insecurity and enrich private funds, France’s disputed pension reform is part of a global trend towards financialisation. To push back, states need to rethink their role in the digital era.

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How Basic Income Entered the Mainstream

A look at basic income’s enduring merits through the eyes of one of its ardent advocates, Malcolm Torry.

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Who is in charge of the European Pillar of Social Rights?

Over a year after the EU “proclaimed” a series of social rights, little has been done and the initiative risks becoming an empty promise.

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Deeper Cooperation is the Only Path to a Social Europe

László Andor talks to us about social Europe, his idea of a European unemployment insurance scheme & whether the EU institutions are neoliberal.

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Social Policies as Tools to Promote Security

The sense of security in a society is closely bound up with its institutions; the cases of the Nordic countries demonstrate that these feelings of security can be enhanced by fostering inclusive institutions.

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System Failure: Social and Economic (in)Security in Europe

Why is the spectre of social (in)security haunting Europe despite it being richer than ever before?

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Facing Our Fears

Editorial: In a Europe with a changing political landscape, the future of the Union– and incidentally that of the Greens in 2019 – will be largely played out over the question of security.

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