For an Ecological Transition Income

Could a proposal to get people actively involved in the green transition trump the basic income?

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The Progressive Package: Getting Unions Behind Basic Income

An interview with Yannick Vanderborght on why trade unions oppose basic income and whether we can expect that to change.

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“Populism is pro-social”: Trade Unions in a Changing Europe

An interview on the 21st-century challenges facing the trade union movement, from energy transition to new forms of work.

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The Struggle for Social Europe

Does renewed discussion at EU level present an opportunity to advance social Europe?

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Welfare and Work Within Planetary Limits

Now the economy has overshot key ecological limits, more sustainable social protection systems that do not depend on environmentally destructive forms of work must be found.

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Solidarity Forever: Talking Transition with Trade Unions

Trade unionist Philippe Pochet on changing perspectives on climate change and transition within organised labour and the essential and challenging task of working with Greens.

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Representing the Brave New World of Work

As digitalisation turns the world of work upside down, Reiner Hoffmann discusses the situation of employees in the future labour market, and the role of the EU and trade unions.

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What does Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour Leader mean for Greens, in Britain and across the EU?

The Labour Party leadership in the UK is over. Confounding the critics and the bookmakers (the odds for Corbyn to win were 100-1 when the campaign began!), the maverick left-winger Jeremy Corbyn has been elected as Labour’s leader, and by a thumping majority!

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To deal with the climate crisis, everything must change

The European Trade Union Institute recent conference on ‘The Socio-Ecological Transition: A New Climate for the EU’s Sustainability Transition’ laid bare the need for radical change to deal with the climate crisis. And if battling climate change requires making our societies less superficial, less focused on expansion and instead more focused on equality, then that’s something we can all fight for.

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Poland Needs A Tripartite Climate Commission

In the Polish context, where environmental awareness and resistance to an energy transition is strong, a broad alliance among diverse actors in society is needed to tackle climate change, such as trade unions and other potential partners.

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