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The Carbon Bubble: The Real Threat to the Financial SystemFinance and Economy

Over the past decades, markets have invested in damaging industries such as fossil fuels and financial speculation. This has contributed to unsustainable development, and may well be creating an enormous ‘carbon bubble’. However, there are steps we can take to stop this bubble turning into another subprime-style crisis.

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Towards a Green Economic and Financial SystemFinance and Economy

The topic of greening the economic and financial system is broad and daunting. However breaking it down into a few key questions can highlight the steps that we as Greens must urgently take to reign in the financial industry.

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Let’s Tame the Giant!Finance and Economy

The lessons of the last crisis always seem to be forgotten, and the financial world continues to grow and pose a risk to economy and planet. We Greens must marshal all our energy and ideas to reign it in.

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Power to the PeopleWelfare and Social Issues

Nelson Mandela personified the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa and became a worldwide symbol of hope in the face of discrimination. Although apartheid was ended, racism and discrimination still remain present in our society, and that needs to be remembered.

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Shaking off the Stigma of ‘the Party That Likes to Ban Things’Democracy

Despite being only a small part of their manifesto, the German Greens’ policy of ‘veggie days’ gave them the unfortunate appearance of being the party that ‘wants to ban things’.

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Degrowth: a Strategy to Counter the Crisis?Post-Growth

The idea of degrowth has always been a strain Green thought, but what exactly would degrowth mean for our economy, society and relationship with the planet? Does degrowth provide the answer to the social and ecological crisis?

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2b Continued: Outcomes of the Warsaw Climate Conference and Implications for Paris 2015Environment

The Warsaw climate conference (COP19) succeeded in setting a pathway towards the Paris COP21 in 2015, where states should strike a new global climate deal. Yet it showed how long and difficult the road will be and fundamental questions remain unanswered, requiring high level political engagement.

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Poland Doesn’t Give a DamnEnvironment

The ongoing Climate Summit in Warsaw has been relegated to the sidelines by the Polish media – the social and political debate in Poland definitely doesn’t tend to question a coal, shale gas and nuclear future for the country.

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The Crisis and Europe’s Environmental Roll-BackEnvironment

In Greece, probably one of the first victims of austerity has been environmental protection, just at the moment where there can be no response to the crisis without considering the environmental dimension. A recent article by the WWF takes issue with the EU response to the crisis which has seen environmental protection sidelined like never before.

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Parallel Currencies Are No Alternative for the EuroFinance and Economy

While there is a growing consensus that it is now unlikely that any country will leave the Euro. However, other groups suggest that parallel currencies for northern countries alongside the Euro may be better for Europe, but this is hotly contested.

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