The Potential of ‘True Pricing’

How can markets work for sustainability? True Price aims to display a product’s true costs – including its environmental and social costs – to enable consumers to make more informed choices.

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Why “Population Matters” Is Wrong

As the global population climbs ever higher, is there an argument to be made that combating climate change and many other environmental problems require taking steps to limit this growth? This thinking blames the victim and can even be anti-women.

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Transition Initiatives: a Critical Assessment

The Transition Initiative movement is growing rapidly. It is an innovating and positive contribution to the debate on sustainability, but what are its potential pitfalls?

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It’s Time to Redesign Our Economic System

The vital connection between economics and a healthy ecosystem is still not understood by mainstream economists and financial theorists – what will it take?

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A Climate of Uncertainty

The Green movement needs to move away from alarmist arguments and moralising and towards a more inclusive way of discussing climate change, which leaves room political dispute as to the solutions needed.

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German Parliament: Rebound Effect Greater Than Previously Thought

The German Bundestag committee which is examining the future of growth has, in advance of its full report, issued an interim report on the use of material resources. The final report will be available in May 2013.

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Green v transition towns: same aims, different means

The green political movement and the transition movement could be said to share broadly the same objectives, but could the transition movement stand a better chance of changing people’s mindsets? Two transition activists from North London discuss their work.

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De-growth: can Croatia afford less work and less consumption?

What does the growth/degrowth debate mean for a country like Croatia? Two decades after gaining independence following the collapse of the Yugoslav Republic, Croatia remains a country with economic and political problems. Is it possible for it to transition to a degrowth economy, and how would such a transition take place?

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No growth? In search of another path for Europe

Austerity or growth, austerity for growth, and maybe for a different kind of growth? In 2012, this debate is on the top of the European agenda. But what should we do if growth is no longer possible?

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An Austrian Debate: Green New Deal and the Post-Growth Economy

How can a Green political party influence a long term discussion on the topic of post-growth politics? How can it centre this discussion on short term political action? Is it possible to develop the Green New Deal in order to obtain a short term exit from the crisis and an economy without growth in the long term? All of these questions were debated at the Green Summer Academy, organised by the Grüne Bildungswerkgstatt.

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