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Cause for Concern: Why We Shouldn’t Feel Relieved After the Dutch ElectionsDemocracy

Despite the expressions of relieved euphoria after the Dutch elections, there is little to celebrate.

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Who Will Press the Reset Button First: Turkey or the EU?Democracy

The upcoming referendum in Turkey might give President Erdogan even greater power, threatening democratic rights in the country.

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Floating Insecurity: Searching for an AnchorPolitics

The late Bauman was known for his searing commentaries on the modern world, including his view of security discourse and its "latent and manifest functions".

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‘Sweet Dreams and Beautiful Nightmares’: Why Security is a Black and Brown IssueJustice

The term 'security' is used as though it were neutral, but in fact it is underpinned by assumptions and prejudice, with some regarded as worthy of protection while 'others' are seen as threatening.

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Social Policies as Tools to Promote SecurityWelfare and Social Issues

The sense of security in a society is closely bound up with its institutions; the cases of the Nordic countries demonstrate that these feelings of security can be enhanced by fostering inclusive institutions.

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Invisible Threats: The Digital Dangers to our Real LivesSociety, Media and Culture

New technology developing at breakneck speed has left laws behind and increasingly puts not only our privacy but our immediate safety at risk.

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The Sensible Push for European SecurityGeopolitics

Treating the current crises effectively shouldn't undermine a long-term effort to cement stability and peace through smart and soft power, through avenues such as international development.

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Genesis of Fear: The Case of SloveniaMigration

How can we account for the perception among Slovenia’s general population that migrants pose a threat?

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Ring the Alarm? Assessing the Threats to Europe’s Energy SecurityClimate and Energy

Are some of the measures to promote energy security doing more harm than good, by creating a distraction from the real steps needed in light of climate change and increasing instability?

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The Economics of Fear: How Orbán Profits from InsecuritiesPolitics

By playing upon fears linked to social insecurities and loss of national identity, as well as threats to national security, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán seeks to position himself as the sole protector of his nation.

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