Urban Gardening in Greece – A New Form of Protest

Guerrilla gardening and local consumer-producer networks are redefining life in today’s Greek cities. While the crisis has shifted politicians’ attention away from the climate, “transition and recovery movements” work hard to keep the environment on the agenda.

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A crisis not of their own making: adapting to climate change in South Asia

Climate science informs us that the impacts of climate change will increase over time, and major effects on South Asia, such as the melting of the Himalayas, will occur more in the future. South Asian economies should focus more on the problems arising from climate change that would result in stunting their development.

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Africa Needs A Fair and Equitable Global Climate Agreement

The two things that will shape Africa’s progress in the coming years and decades are its population demographics and climate change.

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Forbidding Overfishing in Europe

An interview with Swedish Green MEP Isabella Lövin on overfishing in Europe.

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The Financial Crisis Heralds the Need for a Deep Ecological Transition

In the dismal reality of the deepening financial crisis in the European Union, exploiting the natural environment is seen by troubled member states as a quick-fix solution for rapid economic recovery. Following decades of massive spending on an unsustainable economic and development model, the EU’s policy response is essentially a recipe for a much deeper and longer-term environmental crisis.

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Shaking off the Stigma of ‘the Party That Likes to Ban Things’

Despite being only a small part of their manifesto, the German Greens’ policy of ‘veggie days’ gave them the unfortunate appearance of being the party that ‘wants to ban things’.

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Looking the Gift Horse in the Mouth

What and how we eat has a profound impact on our culture, but changes in recent decades have profoundly changed our relationship with food, and not for the better. What are the costs of these changes, and can they be reversed?

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Pushing the Limits to Growth – with Nature as Our Example

The debate of growth versus degrowth misses a crucial point: while there are limits to further growth, we can find ways to move these limits.

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De-growth: can Croatia afford less work and less consumption?

What does the growth/degrowth debate mean for a country like Croatia? Two decades after gaining independence following the collapse of the Yugoslav Republic, Croatia remains a country with economic and political problems. Is it possible for it to transition to a degrowth economy, and how would such a transition take place?

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