The Anniversary of Broken Promises

5 years after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, and the beginning of the worst economic crisis in decades, the EU has not delivered on promises of strong regulation of the financial sector. A swift overhaul is needed.

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The End of Merkel’s Europe

The German Green’s manifesto tries to strike a difficult balance between a clear commitment to Europe and a vision of another, greener Europe. In doing so, it makes it very clear that with Greens in government European politics would be different.

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The European Crisis Explained in Two Graphs

A long book is probably too short to explain the European crisis in full length and depth.

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Fiscal Compact Undermines Good Solutions to the Crisis

Why did the Luxembourg Greens vote against the Fiscal Stability Treaty on February 27th and aske Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker not to implement it?

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Is the Euro Crisis Over?

The Eurozone crisis appears to have receeded, but threats of it still loom.

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The Eurozone Crisis and Its Repercussions for the Future of the EU

The Eurozone crisis is driving further integration and exposing weaknesses in the Union’s structure. However, the need for reform shouldn’t be used as a cloak to introduce further neoliberal measures.

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Agenda 2010: een model voor Europa?

Na grofweg twee decennia van oppositie kwamen de sociaaldemocraten begin jaren negentig in Europa weer aan de macht.

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Agenda 2010: a Model for Europe?

‘Agenda 2010’ was presented by German Premier Gerard Schröder as a set of reforms that were a ‘third way’ between Social Democracy and neoliberalism.

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For the European Republic

The EU cannot be conceived of as a democracy in the traditional sense and its methods of making decisions to date has been ineffective and brought about a crisis of confidence. As the EU’s powers have grown, this problem has become more acute. What is needed is a more transparent form of democracy, with European Citizens given a means of deciding between competing visions and policies.

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Another Way of Looking at the Euro Crisis

A common prescription for crisis countries is to cut wage costs, but what if the problem is one of low wages in the core? From this perspective, current German polices will worsen the crisis and threaten the future of the Eurozone.

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