Emancipation in the Neoliberal Era: Rethinking Transition with Karl Polanyi

After 40 years of neoliberalism tearing at the social fabric, what form will the 21st-century counter-movement take?

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After Industrialism: Reviving Nature in the 21st Century

Ecological thinking situates the human in the modern world far more accurately than old industrialism ever did.

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The Return of the Green New Deal: Ecosocialism in the USA

In the USA, the inequality and climate crises are increasingly seen as one and the same and the Left has seized on the Green New Deal as the answer.

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Investing in the Future: Why Europe Needs a Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is a vision for social and environmental transformation. What would it mean to have one in Europe?

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How Natural Are Natural Climate Solutions?

Unless pursued with extreme care, natural climate solutions risk becoming just another offsetting tool – alibis for inaction and delay.

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The Green New Deal: The Answer to Schnaiberg’s Treadmill?

Ana Rusan traces some of the social and environmental consequences of New Deal America through the sociology of Allan Schnaiberg.

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Imagining the Transition from the Grass Roots

In the transition to a sustainable society, imagination is key. An interview with the Transition Network co-founder on how local networks can leverage change for a better future.

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Poland Discovers Ecology

With Polish elections coming up this October, all political forces are committing to protect the climate and environment, at least on paper. What does the new prominence of ecology mean for the country’s future?

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A Tailwind to Speed Up the Transport Transition

While citizens in Germany push for a transport policy which prioritises cyclists and pedestrians, not cars, progress remains slow. Why is the transition taking so long?

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Ukraine and Europe from Chernobyl to Zelensky

A conversation on the nuclear energy debate in 2019, the future of Ukraine under Zelensky, and where climate action is headed in the years to come.

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