Pixelated Truth: Covid-19 and the Battle for Reason

The Coronavirus pandemic has become a battleground, with far-right forces leading the attack and undermining respect for nature, science and reason.

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How the German Right Reacts to Youth Climate Activism

What strategies does Alternative für Deutschland use to discredit school strikers, and why does climate mobilising generate such a strong reaction on the Right?

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Nationalising the Climate: Is the European Far Right Turning Green?

Research debunks the myth that far-right parties across Europe share a stance of climate denialism. But what might rising ‘climate nationalism’ mean?

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Germany’s Populists Win Discourses, Not Elections

Is right-wing populism really on its way out – or is it seeping into the mainstream? How can it be countered? An analysis in the wake of the upcoming elections.

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“A coalition is not a love match” – Interview with Ralf Fücks

A discussion with Ralf Fücks, outgoing president of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, on the situation in Germany, coalitions with Merkel and the rise of the AfD.

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What do the German State Elections Tell Us About the State of the Country’s Parties?

German state elections held on 13th March produced significant levels of support for the Alternative for Germany (AfD), but where does the German party system stand overall after the elections?

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Is a leftist policy possible in Europe?

Syriza’s victory in Greece once again raises a crucial question for Europe in the coming months: can a leftist policy be followed in the eurozone without changing the treaties or monetary rules now in force? It is renewing the discussions which divide the left in France and elsewhere in Europe about the virtues of the euro and the margins for manoeuvre of left-wing governments in a common monetary zone.

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The ‘Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)’ following the 2014 eastern German regional elections

The AfD is elbowing its way into the right-wing populist gap in the party political landscape with a call for a nationalistic approach to economic policy based on free market fundamentalism. As a counter-reaction to the pluralist and multicultural immigration society, it stands in opposition to everything that is Green.

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