No Glory: Averting Right-wing Revisionism Concerning the ‘Great’ War

‘History never repeats itself. Man always does’ This well-known adage of Voltaire seems more relevant than ever. As the British nation seeks to ‘commemorate’ the centenary of the start of the First World War, it is important to be very aware of and where necessary critical of the methods and use of language by which our leaders are attempting to portray this crucial event.

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History and the Europe of the Citizens

In the run-up to the 2014 European elections, all citizens of Europe had the opportunity to select the two leading candidates for the European Green Party. The winners of this ‘Green Primary’ were Ska Keller and José Bové, both Members of the European Parliament. What links do they see between Europe’s history and its politics?

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Belgian Repressed Memories

Our understanding of our great history is compiled not only through our reading but also through the recounting of family stories. The commemoration of 1914 offers us the opportunity to reflect on the war, on the possibility for forgiveness, and on our responsibilities in the present.

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The Spectre of Nationalism: on European Illusions

There are parallels between the Europe of 1914 and that of 2014. Today’s divisions are the result of economic inequality and a crisis of democracy. The answer lies in social policy and in an anti-nationalist repolitisation of Europe.

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Reawakening the Spirit of Gezi: Popular Resistance to Istanbul’s ‘Pharaonic’ Projects

Popular protest may have saved Gezi Park, but elsewhere in Turkey the destruction on the environment in pursuit of private profit continues. The Green Though Foundation organised a conference to discuss the challenges posed by these developments and what they say about politics in modern Turkey.

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New Strategy, New Positioning

On 29 September 2013, Austria went to the polls. The results gave the Greens 12,4% of the vote, a plus of 2%.

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Flanders: a Region in Search of Itself

In 2010 the Flemish nationalists became the largest party in the Belgian Federal Parliament for the first time. Does the rise in electoral support for the N-VA herald the end of the state of Belgium or can the country continue to adapt?

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Croatian Ghosts from the Past in the EU

In everyday life, nationalism and intolerance are creeping back into Croatian society. We’re at risk of destroying the memory of anti-fascist hero Stjepan Filipović, but membership of the EU may be an opportunity to reverse this.

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Combining National and European Allegiances

A Federal Europe cannot come about solely through disparaging national identity. Rather, a Federal Europe needs to be built based around concepts that are understandable to citizens: democratic accountability, transparency and a refrain from simple centralisation.

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EU as a Project to Enhance Hospitality

The European Union has always been a project that marries differing perspectives – the pursuit of peace and borders open to people, goods and ideas. However the steady evolution of this project has been disrupted by the economic crisis, which has led to a rise of xenophobic, nationalist thoughts. For Jean Lambert, Europe must now confront the idea of ‘us’ versus ‘them’ that exists and work towards creating a truly hospitable EU.

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