A crisis not of their own making: adapting to climate change in South Asia

Climate science informs us that the impacts of climate change will increase over time, and major effects on South Asia, such as the melting of the Himalayas, will occur more in the future. South Asian economies should focus more on the problems arising from climate change that would result in stunting their development.

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Education for Sustainability: A Driver in Global Change

People’s awareness, understanding and perception on the climate change and the ecological crisis should not be disregarded in the global action for sustainability and social and environmental justice. Education for sustainability works on all of this: let’s not disregard education as driver of the global change.

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The New Climate Movement

Lima is currently hosting the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21), which runs from 30 November till 11 December 2015. There, at last, definite agreements should be made to fend off climate change. After the tragic failure of the Copenhagen climate summit (2009), observers see the Paris summit as the last chance.

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Brazil: the EU’s Undervalued Partner

In spite of the similarities between their constitutional and social welfare institutions, Brazil receives little consideration from the EU as a mediator between the global North and the global South. It is time for a re-think.

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To deal with the climate crisis, everything must change

The European Trade Union Institute recent conference on ‘The Socio-Ecological Transition: A New Climate for the EU’s Sustainability Transition’ laid bare the need for radical change to deal with the climate crisis. And if battling climate change requires making our societies less superficial, less focused on expansion and instead more focused on equality, then that’s something we can all fight for.

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Will Juncker go to China?

On November 1st the new European Commission took office in Brussels, a change in personnel that presents an opportunity for a shift in the EU’s approach to China.

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“Is Europe Failing?”: thoughts on Joschka Fischer’s new book

Joschka Fischer’s new book, ‘Is Europe Failing?’ does not offer armour-plated solutions. Nevertheless, as well as its sharp analysis of the causes of the current European problems, it proposes a framework for resolving them. In any case, the book is an essential reading – beginning with the electric shock of seeing such an ardent supporter of the construction of a united Europe sounding such a loud alarm.

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The Corporate Court Behind TTIP – A real life monopoly game

Secretive changes to the London Court of International Arbitration will make the current EU-US Trade Deal even more damaging for democracy. This makes it even more urgent that citizens in the UK and across Europe oppose such a worrying trade deal and the Investor-State Dispute Settlement that goes with it. This trade deal will turn Europe into a real-life game of Monopoly – where the rich can snap up anything they want.

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‘End Ecocide’ shows ECI can be a mountain to climb for activists

The trajectory of the ‘End Ecocide’ ECI has highlighted some of the challenges faced by activists in using this democratic tool, and some of the flaws which need to be improved if it is to fulfil its aim of making the EU more responsive to citizens. An interview with Thomas Eitzenberger and Lilia Tamamdzhieva, coordinators of the ECI.

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On Klein’s ‘This Changes Everything’: the need for serious thought on capitalism and climate

While an excellent book, we need to look further than simply saying ‘social movements are the only answer’ if we are to develop effective movements that create change. The need for social movement mobilisation too easily becomes a slogan rather than a nuanced solution. We can both praise and look deeper than Klein’s ‘This Changes Everything’.

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